Avoid squeezing or rubbing the eyes.  The lashes may be gently cleaned of matter with washcloth and warm water.


If you have an eye shield please remove it to put in your eye drops and then put the shield back on.


Wear your present glasses or sun glasses during the day, this provides some protection against an inadvertent bump or blow. Sunglasses or clipovers may be used in bright sunlight.


Avoid strenuous activity for the first week.  Activities such as bowling and golf are permissible.


Avoid heavy lifting for first two weeks.  Lifting objects up to 30 pounds, objects that can easily be lifted up with the arms is permissible.


Moderate bending is allowed, but we ask no prolonged forward bending, such as washing hair over the sink or weeding for one week.


You may take showers, baths and shave, wash your hair and go to hairdresser or barber.


Use of the eyes for television or reading is NOT harmful.


If you experience decreasing vision or severe eye pain (much like a dull, deep throb ache), call the office immediately. Slight irrigation, as if something is in the eye, is common after this procedure.  Blurred vision is normal for at least several days after your surgery.


Separate your drops by five (5) to ten (10) minutes.







Keep your follow up appointment as scheduled.


Observe the operative area for signs of excessive bleeding.  Elevate your head and contact your physician at once if this occurs.  Some drainage is normal and expected.



Observe operative areas for signs of infection:

Increased pain,



Foul odor or drainage

Increase in temperature (101 or higher)


These signs and symptoms usually become apparent in 36 to 48 hours.  If present, contact your physician.


Keep operative areas clean and dry.  If you have a dressing or eye shield, do not remove it unless instructed to do so by your physician.




Follow the Physician standing instruction sheet which is given to you.





If you had general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, please pay particular attention to the following instructions.


Do not drink alcoholic beverages including beer for 24 hours.  Alcohol enhances the effects of anesthesia and sedation.


Do not drive a motor vehicle; operate machinery or power tools for 24 hours.  If a child, no bicycle riding, skateboards, gym sets, etc. for 24 hours.


Do not make any important decisions or sign legal documents for 24 hours.


You may experience lightheadedness, dizziness and sleepiness following surgery.  Please DO NOT STAY ALONE.  Responsible adult should be with you for 24 hours.


Rest at home with moderate activity as tolerated.


Progress to a regular diet as tolerated.


Certain anesthetics and pain medications may produce nausea and vomiting in certain individuals.  If nausea becomes a problem at home, call your physician.




If you have any further questions please contact your physician immediately.  If you should experience difficulty in breathing, bleeding that you feel is excessive, any pain that is unusual, swelling or fever please call your physician.  If you find that you cannot contact you physician but feel your signs and symptoms warrant a physician’s attention, call an ambulance, or get to the emergency room closest to you.


We wish you a pleasant and uneventful recovery in the comfort of your home.


  1. Wash your hands at all times, especially when manipulating your eyes and administering medication
  2. Maintain eyelids and eyelashes clean.
  3. To wash your face, eyes should be closed. Use bottled water to wash your face and eyelids two times a day, Avoid using tap water.
  4. Use disposable napkins (Kleenex) to clean your eyes. These should only be used once and should be disposed. Avoid towels or handkerchiefs. Place your disposable napkins in a clean place; remember they will be cleaning your eyes. Avoid pockets or purse.
  5. Don’t poke your eyes in order to clean secretions.
  6. It is highly recommended not to bathe in the ocean, or shower, river or pool, etc. until the doctor authorizes to do so
  7. Avoid lifting objects heavier than 5 pounds.
  8. Place antibiotics as follows:

 a) First week after surgery

b) Second week after surgery

c) Third week after surgery

d) Fourth week after surgery

  1. If signs or symptoms of painful red eye, and swelling, reduction of vision, and tearing, call your doctor or visit your care center facility for assistance.
  2. If you have intraocular gas, you cannot travel by air, or climb a mountain until all the gas has reabsorbed.
  3. Your head position during the day is__________________ and your position for sleep is________________________
  4. Your next appointment is:______________________________
  5. You should always bring to your appointment your medications and eye drops. Remember to bring someone with you.
  6. Don’t hesitate in asking your doctor questions.

Contact Information


Address: Suite 7B, 34 Lady Musgrave Road, Kgn 5

Tel: (876) 630-0958; 630-0864; 759-6449




Dr. Maynard McIntosh

Dr. Romea Mitchell

Dr. Sherwin Benskin

Dr. Draya Leon Garrido

Dr. Jeffery Zimm

Dr. Miguel Lopez

Dr. Frine Salazar 



Contact Us